Tuesday, January 12, 2016

WHOA. This is getting real!

Well, I am officially huge. I am 25 weeks along with baby #2. Just typing this out sounds crazy. I can't believe in a few short months I will have two adorable babes. Sometimes I wonder what on earth I was possibly thinking! Obviously, I don't mean that seriously though. I LOVE being a mom and cannot wait to bring another baby into the world. I am terrible at documenting my pregnancies, and just life in general, so I wanted to share a few things about how it has been going so far before I forget it all! 

I found out I was pregnant and couldn't wait to tell Clint. He just gets so excited about our life and good news--no matter how big or small. This is something I love about him. He truly experiences joy and it is contagious! Clint got home from work to find Elsie wearing this shirt. She came over to kiss him and he immediately saw it. He was so excited!
My due date was originally May 3rd. *Side note: they have since moved it up a week, but I worry that they will change it back! April just sounds so much closer than May--even if the difference only is a week. ;) Cross your fingers they just let it stay April. I can make it to April. 

I knew it was a boy from the very beginning. I don't really know how I knew, but I just knew it. I think for me the biggest indicator was just how different I felt during this pregnancy. I know this doesn't really mean anything. Every pregnancy is different and the same woman's pregnancies can be totally different for no rhyme or reason. It just didn't feel the same so I suspected a boy may be to blame. :)

Anyway, when we went to the gender reveal ultrasound and found out it was a boy we weren't surprised. It was exactly as Clint and I had expected. We were elated, and loved seeing our little man on the screen! Elsie didn't seem to care about what was going on at all, but that is ok. 

This pregnancy has seemed to go much faster than the first. I think it is because I am already chasing Elsie around. I am also still teaching, but only for half the day this year. This has been a huge blessing for me. I get to spend more time with my sweet girl each day! I am so amazed by all that she is learning, and by how fast she is growing. I wish time would slow down a little. It seems like she will moving out for college tomorrow--NOoooooOO!

Ok, some quick facts about pregnancy#2:

Cravings: I always crave plain Rice Krispy cereal. Not the treat, but just the cereal. I have also been craving Honey Nut Cheerios. *Same with Elsie.

Aches and Pains: I have been feeling the aches and pains much earlier during this pregnancy. My hips have been hurting a lot. My back. My feet. Round ligament pain started at like week 14 ha ha. Man, it feels great!

Sleep:  I am not sleeping very well at night. I am uncomfortable, and toss and turn. I also seem to have weird and scary dreams. I feel more anxious at night and can't get my brain to turn off. I sleep better in the day than at night. So, I try to take a quick nap while Elsie is napping. That doesn't always get to happen, but it is nice when it does. 

Emotional: I definitely have my moments. :) However, I would say I have been less emotional this pregnancy than last. 

Anyway, that's the update! The end.