Thursday, November 27, 2014

My Thanksgiving goal: The "giving" part

I LOVE Thanksgiving! It is a great holiday. I love gathering with family. It also gives me a time to reflect on my past year and specifically point out what I am grateful for.

This year I am making a goal to be more grateful in my life. The past year has been a difficult one for me. Sometimes, I found it was easy for me to get down and lose sight of the positives in my life. This is not to say that I have walked around for the past year being grumpy, but I have noticed that at times the worry and stress of life has brought me down.

I have decided that even though life is crazy right now--life is still good. There are so many things that make it good. The most important being my loving Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ. Although, this past year has been challenging, prayer and the power of the atonement have helped me to make it through. I have learned, probably more than ever, that my Heavenly Father knows me personally. He is aware of my circumstances, my feelings, my failures, and my efforts. He loves me anyway. I have felt the healing power of the atonement as I have tried to become a better person, and as I go through things that are difficult for me. The peace that I have felt when I have turned to my Savior has been amazing.

I am also grateful for my sweet husband and baby girl. The joy that those two provide in my life is not even comprehensible. I am grateful for my family and for Clint's family (which are my family too). I am grateful for my beautiful home, my good job, and for having all of my little family's basic needs met.
I am blessed.

Now, on to my goal! My goal starts today. The challenge will continue throughout the year until next Thanksgiving, and then hopefully for the rest of my life. The word THANKSGIVING really is two words. Thanks, and giving. Now, obviously it means that it is a day to give thanks. However, this year I want to challenge myself to truly GIVE thanks. I am going to look at this word as more of an action rather than just saying, or speaking the words, "thank you". I want to find more ways to serve others, to give of myself, and my time to help others. By serving others I will be giving thanks. It is my goal to show my Heavenly Father that I am grateful--rather than just telling him what I am thankful for when I pray. I know that if I will do this I will feel closer to my Heavenly Father, and I will feel grateful. I have participated in service throughout my life, however, I want to adopt an attitude of service. I don't want it to be a sporadic thing. I want service to be a constant in my life. I want to consistently GIVE THANKS!

Happy Thanksgiving! May you be safe and warm, and with those you love. XO.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

MCAT=My Clinton is Amazingly Talented!

My sweet Clinton has finally taken the MCAT! This time of our lives has been absolutely crazy! Clint has been studying for the MCAT, working, job shadowing Doctors, and participating in a Spanish linguistics research project. On top of all of this, he has also been taking care of Elsie while I am working full time.

He has worked so hard, and for so long. His dedication and devotion to all aspects of his life are admirable. He works hard to be the best he can be--and he is the BEST husband, father and student! I am one lucky gal.

This whole experience has been a tough one for our little family. We are both so dang busy and filled with lots of stress. I rush in from work and kiss Clint goodbye as he goes out to work. Sometimes it is easy to get discouraged. However, there have also been some positives to this crazy experience.

We have learned to work more as a team. In order to survive our hectic life, we have to trust and rely upon one another. We work together to get things done--whatever needs to be done.

We try to find fun and creative ways to say, " I love you".  Just the other day, I came home from a long hard day at work to find sticky notes all over my mirror with positive messages. I like to leave notes, or treats, for Clint to find throughout the day.

We have learned to talk, and to just listen. I have been amazed at how thoughtful Clint is as he communicates with me. He truly tries to understand how I feel, what I am going through, and then asks how he can help. The best part is then he actually follows through! I doubt I am as good at this as Clinton, but I have tried really hard to do the same.

We have learned to trust in the Lord. With the pre-med process there have been so many difficult things, as well as so many "unknowns". There still are. We don't know his MCAT score yet, we don't know what school we will end up at, we don't know where we will live, we don't know how we will make any money, etc. We have been trying to stress less about planning for every unknown detail, and focus more on the Lord. He will help. Plain and simple. We aren't going to know these answers until they come. We have to be patient, and we have to trust in the Lord. We have to trust that he will guide and direct us--that he will help us.

I look at Clint, and I know that no matter what happens we will be ok, and we can be happy. We WILL be happy. We have so many blessings. We have a loving Heavenly Father and Savior. We have each other, and we have Elsie. All the rest is just fluff stuff. In our crazy busy lives, sometimes we just need to remind ourselves "that every little thing, is gonna be ok".