Monday, May 15, 2017

REALITY of Motherhood: Who knew it involved so much poop?!

Yesterday was a fantastic Mother's day! My husband and children spoiled me. I felt so loved and appreciated! Church was uplifting, and the rest of my day was very relaxing. I was reflecting on what I had learned at church, and some things I have learned so far while being a mother. I wanted to share a few thoughts.

First: There is NO such thing as being a perfect Mom. I definitely try hard, and want to improve myself as a Mother, but I need to realize that it is OK to mess up sometimes.

Second: There is NO such thing as a perfect family. They don't exist. My sweet Relief Society President gave great insight regarding this yesterday. She showed a beautiful family picture of her children. Everyone looked perfectly beautiful. She then showed all the outtakes of that same photo shoot. They were far from perfect, and some were quite comical. Her point was that we need to remember that, although, we may see "perfect moments" in others' lives, we need to remember that everyone struggles, has their ups and downs, and makes mistakes. (Thanks, Holly! What a great thought).

Third: If we use our failures, goofs, flaws etc. as motivation to propel us forward towards progression then we are doing just fine! We should not allow our set backs to discourage us from changing and improving.

Fourth: BE REAL! It is ok to let other's see our "outtakes". It is ok to ask others for help! It is ok to admit that we don't always have it all together--heck, I rarely do!

SO, in the spirit of being open to admitting that I don't always have it going on, I am going to share two VERY embarrassing motherhood disasters. Get ready for lots of laughs, and lots of poop!

I was over at a friend's house with the kids. She and I were talking, and all the kids were playing. Elsie told me she needed to use the bathroom. We rushed upstairs and got her pants down, but didn't quite make it to the potty in time. I wasn't prepared with an extra set of panties (am I ever?) so after cleaning her up, she went commando under her pants! Things were once again going well, and the kids were back to playing. A little while later Elsie tells me she went poop in her pants. I freeze! She is not wearing underwear!!! I rack my brain trying to decide how to proceed. Elsie starts walking towards me, and as she does, little poo balls start falling from her pant legs!!!! NOOOOooooooOOo!

I tell her to stop! She looks so confused, and my friends are laughing, and also very confused! I was SO embarrassed! She was leaking poo out of her pants all over my friend's carpet! We get a plastic bag and lay it down on the ground. I take Elsie and get her pants off as carefully as I can--however, poo balls still manage to go flying! I finally gather up all the poop (GROSS) and get Elsie cleaned up. I have to borrow a diaper from my friend for Elsie, because I am once again unprepared. I put her gross pants in the baggy that already has her wet underwear in it, and packed up! This is a picture of Elsie scootering home after the event! This was also embarrassing, as people and cars passing us just stared. ha ha ha! Yikes!

Ok, SECOND poop story. This one is even worse. WHY, universe?
A week ago I was feeling rather sick to my stomach and feeling pretty miserable. Luca had a very messy poopy diaper. This kid knows how to poop! He also loves to wrestle and squirm while I try to change him. This particular encounter turned into a real wrestling match. Luca would NOT hold still, and I was struggling to control him, while trying to keep the contents of his diaper contained! Things were getting pretty ugly, when all of the sudden my sick stomach got so intense! OH NO! I knew I was going to be sick. I frantically looked around at the mess that was Luca. He still wasn't all the way wiped up. I knew I wouldn't be able to finish changing his diaper and make it to the bathroom in time. I also knew if I left him as he was then there would be a mess everywhere when I returned. In this second, as I was trying to decide what to do, it happened! I POOPED MY PANTS! You guys, I was SO sick! I was horrified! I finished with Luca, and waddled around as I got a cartoon going for the kids, and then had to shower off, and start a load of laundry.

This is real life. This is my life. It is ok to not be perfect! It is ok to mess up. As long as we roll with the punches, continue to try, and can laugh at ourselves every once in awhile then we will be just fine!

I hope you all had a fantastic Mother's Day. I hope my embarrassing moments make you feel a little better about yours--because, these were pretty dang bad ha ha!



  1. Loren! This post is amazing!!!! (And it really touched my heart that you mentioned me, thank you! I was trying to keep it real ;) haha. I love poop stories. Because we all have them! And I'm sorry you've had some pretty crappy moments lately but I'm so glad you can laugh and share them :) Love it! You're awesome! Motherhood is bliss ;) So sad you guys are leaving our ward! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

  2. Ha! We've all been there! Isn't it the best? I secretly like that I have stories like this to share. Makes for good memories and laughter! A+ on the real life Blog post. I personally like these the best. You had me at poop. We'll miss you so much!
